Well June 5th is the big day. I am scheduled to drive around girls for hair and make-up appointments and the drama from my daughter's end continues. First they were in the limo with her group, then she was bumped out when her supposed best friend went ahead and booked the limo without her. They told her she could give them her share of the money on Friday, but went ahead and booked the limo on Thursday telling her they couldn't wait another day. There seems to be a disconnect between what I consider friends to be and what she considers friends to be or do. Anyway, another girl and her boyfriend backed out of the limo and now there is a spot open and no one to take it. Could this be Karma??
There is also the disucssion of what to do after the prom if over and the usual suggestion of the group getting a hotel room - her father is against that, and I haven't heard a thing about it - so don't know where we stand on this issue. I suggested a trip to Mt. Washington and a diner afterwards, but after all I am old and what do I know??
Anyway as the days count down for her departure for Pitt Johnstown, I am amazed at how much the drama is ratcheting up. Seven more full days of school, and the tears are flowing right and left. Too many end of year projects, too much to remember, and all I can do is remind her that nothing is forever, and soon this part of her life will be behind her and a new path is opening up. Is she listening? Don't know - bit I am hoping that the drama will end, and she begin moving toward her adult life with open arms.
Someone is taking you out for a drink when this is all done, right?