No we're not talking weight here - but the appearance of my daughter's room. I wanted to take a picture of her new prom shoes to post, but I opened her door and I couldn't see the carpet, so I knew I wouldn't be able to find her shoes. But we have a deal. You see whenever I was looking for a piece of scrap paper last night to write a list I came across a draft note written to the attendance office dated May 6 for her boyfriend, excusing him from school. Hmm -I say what fresh hell is this. So this morning while she was blasting her music, I brought her a cup of coffee tapped on her door and showed her the note. Ooops busted - yes they skipped school to go to a diner.
My initial reaction was to get angry, but, the look on her face when I showed her the note was priceless, and our deal is she must clean her room today from top to bottom and do so cheerfully. One of my friends told me her daughter did the same kind of stuff before she left for college. It's driving me nuts, but I know my reaction to what she's doing is as important as how me helping her to see that all her actions have repercussions...(rolls eyes up into head!) When does that lesson ever get into their heads!
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